
Monday, March 14

Color and Cat

With my living situation being temporary I haven't really moved in all the way. I have a laundry basket still filled with odds and ends that were thrown into the car at the last minute. As I was cleaning this out I decided that I really didn't want to keep this makeup palette around and it could find its way to the circular file. But me being who I am, there is no reason to just throw away something that can be played in first! 
I grabbed a bobby pin and swirled up the eyeshadow bricks to show off the vibrant colors. I've noticed that shadow gets brighter when you break it up and the little rainbow can be saved digitally with these photos rather than taking up space in my room.

Kitty boy all snuggled up in my covers

I introduced him to the other cat that lives in my bed, the Cheshire.

Yay for kitty yawns! I hope I can get a shot sometime soon that isn't blurry.

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