
Monday, April 19

Days of the Week Planner Tutorial

This is a mighty crappy picture, but look! Seeds are planted!!! I made these seedling pots from newspaper based off a tutorial I found on eHow . com. Find out how to do it yourself here! I watched the video a few weeks before the actual planting so I'm not sure I did it the "correct way" because they kept unrolling. It wasn't a total fail though because they're obviously holding up! I don't know if I'd suggest my ridiculous plant markers made from plastic utensils, but hey, that what I had on hand. I planted Columbines, Lavender, Alyssum, Basil, Buttercrunch Lettuce, and Italian salad blend greens. Grow, grow, grow!!!

Another project from the same day was this days of the week dry erase planner. Make one for yourself! I posted a request on Alchemy for the white vinyl lettering and she ended up sending me three copies of the letters, so if you would like one of the extras leave a comment!!

Ok, here's what you need:
5 fold picture frame
Vinyl lettering of the days of the week
Scrapbook paper
Pencil or Pen
That's it!

Remove the glass from one frame and trace around it on the back of several pieces of scrapbook paper in coordinating colors. This could easily be done with remnants of paper, or a fun swap with friends! Each person brings one or two sheets and shares them around. Cut out the rectangles and slide them into the frames in your desired pattern. Rub on vinyl lettering and
ta-da! Dry erase markers are great for any smooth surface really. And vinyl isn't a necessity. Try it out with acrylic paint or Sharpies on a white frame.

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